Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Food, Health & Wellness | 1 Comment »
“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.“ Antoine de Saint-Exupery
by Lisa Weeks and Lisa Chilvers~
For most people living in North America, today is synonymous with romantic love. In honour of St. Valentine and keeping the love strong all year long, here are 10 Foods to Boost Libido:
Avocado: Avocados have high levels of folic acid which helps metabolize proteins, providing you with more energy. They also contain vitamin B6, a nutrient that increases male hormone production.
Bananas: Bananas contain bromelain, an enzyme believed to increase libido and reverse impotence in men. Additionally, they are a good source of potassium, which helps regulate a woman’s thyroid gland, an element that supports sex drive.
Cayenne and chilies: Capsaicin, the substance that gives kick to peppers and other spicy foods, triggers the release of endorphins. This feel good chemical stimulates nerve endings and raises your heart rate.
Chocolate: This luscious treat contains phenyl ethylamine (PEA), which boosts levels of endorphins, reduces depression and anxiety. In fact, it is one of the brain hormones that is released when we are in love. Go for dark chocolate to get those extra antioxidants. PEA may be increased by exercise, yet another reason to put on those running shoes!
Eggs: They may not be the most sensual of foods, but eggs are high in vitamins B6 and B5. These help balance hormone levels and fight stress, two things that are crucial to a healthy libido.
Garlic and ginger: Eat these regularly to increase arousal. Just make sure you share that garlicky meal with your partner and stock up on extra mints! Garlic contains allicin, an ingredient that increases blood flow to the sexual organs. As such, it’s a highly effective herb to help increase libido. You can also take garlic capsules.
Maca: Toted as an ancient superfood of the Incas, Maca is rich in calcium, potassium, iron, and EFAs.  Its known as an adaptogen used to increase energy, improve mood, and increase libido.
Nuts: Eating nuts and seeds help to relax blood vessels and increase blood flow to the sexual organs. Make sure to eat them unsalted and raw to get the most benefits. Choose almonds, walnuts, or Brazil nuts. The high dose of omega 3 fatty acids helps support the production of hormones.
Pumpkin seeds: The seeds are also know as pipitas. They are high in zinc, which is important in testosterone production for men and also helps to sustain sexual desire in women.
Raw Vegan Chocolate Hemp Seed Pie at Gorilla Food in Vancouver

Sexy Chocolate Mousse Pie
What you’ll need for the crust:
1-cup raw almonds
3 dates
Honey or maple syrup
What you’ll need for the filling:
4 ripe avocados
16 soft, fresh dates, pitted
2 heaping Tbs cocoa powder
3-6 Tbs agave syrup (to taste)
Topping Ideas: fresh berries, pumpkin seeds, sliced banana
Grind almonds in a food processor, then add dates and mix until texture is uniform.  Add a little honey or maple syrup until mixture sticks together.  Press into an 8-inch round pie pan.
Cut avocado in half, remove pit and scoop flesh into a food processor.  Add dates, cocoa powder and sweetener and blend until completely smooth.  Taste and add more sweetener if desired.
Pour filling into prepared curst and refrigerate at least a couple of hours. Pie filling will be pudding-like in texture and consistency.
Serves 6 to 8
photo by Daniel Danny and Jennifer
                About the Author

Lisa Weeks, HBSc., ND, is a Naturopathic Doctor practicing in Toronto and Markham who unites her extensive scientific research background with Naturopathic therapies and philosophies to offer you a holistic approach to healing. She believes Naturopathic Medicine can benefit the whole family, from infants to seniors and focuses on women’s health, kid’s health, immune system support, pain management, digestive health, skin issues, sleep support, stress relief, energy support and more. For more information, visit her website and her Holistic United Profile 
Looking for a holistic provider? Search our directory to find a holistic practitioner in your area.  And don’t forget to subscribe to the blog!
The information provided in this article is not meant to replace treatment with a licensed health care practitioner. It is for informational purposes only. Consult with a Naturopathic Doctor or other licensed health care professional to determine which treatments are safe for you.


Overindulged? Learn to Shed Post-Holiday Weight

| By HU Team in Health & Wellness | No Comments » Eating.
by Monica D. Riley ~
Who doesn’t indulge a little over the holiday season? From office functions and parties to festive dinners, it’s difficult to resist temptation. It’s been said most people gain at least 5 pounds during the month of December. For those of you who have difficulty shedding unwanted layers, you’ll want to learn how to support metabolic function and clear up some misconceptions about your metabolism.
Here are 4 Metabolism Myths to steer you on a permanent path to healthy weight loss:
Metabolism is a “thing”: The amount of energy – that is, calories from food – that your body requires to function is called your basal metabolic rate.  So, even when you’re sitting in a chair doing nothing, your body is hard at work breathing, pumping blood, growing new cells and regulating hormones.
Some people are just born with “high” metabolisms: Your basal metabolic rate is based on your height, weight, sex and age.  However, what can the variable differences that affect metabolism is activity level and amount of muscle.  According to Dawn Jackson Blatner, registered dietician and spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association,  “Activity has a huge impact.  It causes the body to burn calories for energy and the more you do, the more calories your burn.”
Dieting increases metabolism: The positive effects you can have on metabolism, through diet, come through digestion.  “When you eat foods that are whole, and not processed, your body burns more calories simply digesting it,” Blatner says.  Any diet, where your body feels like it is in starvation mode, will actually slow down your metabolism.
Metabolism slows down as you age:  Age does affect your basal metabolic rate, but this is because as you age you gradually lose muscle mass.  The less muscle mass you have, the fewer calories your body will burn at rest.  Resistance training, two to three times a week, can help you stay lean.
Herb Bouquet
Nature has provided support to increase metabolic function. These herbs, along with a healthy wellness plan, may speed up your metabolism and allow you to burn calories and fat faster! Keep your metabolism burning bright with these 12 Special Nutrients and Herbs:
Green Tea:  Green tea has a thermogenic effect, raising metabolism by increasing body temperature and inducing the body to release norepinephrine.  This is a chemical that speeds up calorie burning.
Kelp:  Kelp, as well as other seaweeds, raise metabolism in two ways:  they affect the thyroid gland and they increase basal metabolic rate.  Iodine, an important component of kelp, has a direct effect on basal metabolic rate.
Cinnamon:  Cinnamon is an herb that has many properties, and is included in herbs to increase metabolism. When you ingest cinnamon your body heats up, burning more calories than normal for three to four hours.
Cayenne Pepper:  Hot peppers are foods that speed up your metabolism, and adding cayenne pepper to your meals will speed up your metabolism for hours after you eat.
Turmeric: Found in turmeric, Curcumin is used to reduce inflammation and is being toted for having anti-cancer properties.
Ginger: Research has shown ginger to have the ability to ease arthritic pain.  It’s also commonly used to settle an upset stomach.
Saffron: Although not in your toolbox, Saffron has been found to reduce PMS symptoms by 50%.
Vinegar: The acid found in vinegar (acetic acid) has been shown to support the breakdown of fat and reduces its accumulation.
Take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach; add vinegar to salads or other foods.
Spirulina: Take this nutrient rich food before each meal and it will help to decrease your appetite. Its nutrient content will nourish your thyroid and provide protein to vegans.
Holy Basil: This herb proves to be a natural painkiller, with strong detoxifying, antioxident and antibacterial properties. It is an adaptogen that helps reduce cortisol and blood sugar levels.
Hawthorne:  One of the herbs to increase metabolism is Hawthorne. This herbal ingredient stimulates your thyroid gland, which has a big responsibility in controlling your metabolism. You will also feel more energy, and will eliminate water retention.
Eat citrus: The University of Western Ontario found that a flavonoid in citrus fruits called naringenin causes the liver to burn excess fat.  It has also helped improve cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of insulin resistance.
*Be aware, specific drugs can be affected by eating grapefruit. Check with your doctor if you are on any medications and would like to enjoy grapefruit.
At the end of the day there is no escaping it. We need to be more active, so here are 4 Ways to Sneak In Activity.  If activity is the key to boosting your metabolism, you can fit it in anywhere!
Inconvenience yourself:  Skip the conveniences like car washes, the drive-thru and valet parking and opt for a do-it-yourself-attitude.
Pack flats:  Keep a pair of flats or sneakers in your car or desk and get walking!
Walk and talk:  The next time you meet with your boss or catch up with a friend, why not suggest a walk together instead of a calorie laden lunch?
Small bursts of exercise: In addition to regular exercise, small bursts of exercise are easy to incorporate and the extra calories burned add up – on average of 300 more calories burned each day.  The extra burst will provided you with more energy and reduces stress built up through the day.
  • Take the stairs
  • Mow the lawn and rake the leaves
  • Dance
  • Go walk your dog
  • Exercise between commercials
  • Complete a set of wall push ups
  •  10-20 squats before leaving the bathroom
Photos by Britt Selvitelle and photofarmer

Monica D. Riley MSJ, ChP is a certified master herbalist and aromatherapist of 15 years.  She currently writes a national column on Holistic Health and Wellness for the Examiner.com and shares wellness wisdom through the Vegas Holistic Health Emporium.   As a graduate of Vassar College and The Medill School of Journalism, her 15-year career journey includes network reporter/journalist; executive programmer/producer with PBS and college professor. Monica incorporates a holistic lifestyle as her key to wellness. And, she is dedicated to helping others achieve their unique balance. “You can create your own wellness destiny. The secret is to maintain a mind-body-spirit synergy.” For more information on Monica visit her Holistic United profile.
Looking for a holistic provider? Search our directory to find a holistic practitioner in your area.  And don’t forget to subscribe to the blog!

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